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Want to be your partner for a lifetime - "Xinli Cup" Qixi Fun Activity ended successfully
Source: | Author:客服部 | Published time: 2018-08-17 | 496 Views | Share:


The second group fun event of the 2018 New Power Cup was grandly held in our company,

All employees of the company participated in this competition.

There is a hot brand tearing event

A sugar hat game that tests the coordination ability of team members

And a finger press relay event that tests the cohesion of team members.

The content of the event is rich and diverse, and the scene is exceptionally hot.

The event is conducted in the form of departmental competitions,

The entire event kicked off in the game of "Walking and Watching on the Finger Pressure Board",

From the beginning to the end of the event, the whole scene was full of fun,

The outstanding performance of each team member also won waves of applause from the employees present!

Team members, regardless of age or level, unite and work together,

The final brand tearing event brought the entire competition to a climax.

The team members are fully committed to the game,

The cheers for the team members on the field kept coming and going.

Fun activities of the company

Make the entire Xinli company boil!

In this special Qixi Festival,

Everyone is sweating profusely,

Showcasing one's youth,

Sharing our joy!

This event not only brings us joy, but also,

Still a touch of emotion, a kind of unity,

Team members enjoy the joy of working together with their teammates.

Through this event, the company's corporate culture has been further integrated into people's hearts,

Enhanced cohesion among employees at all levels,

It also provides a broader space for communication,

Enhanced communication and collaboration among employees from various departments of the company,

Enable employees to enjoy happiness in the competition,

Harvest in happiness.


Add:Jinfei Road,Feiyun New Zone,Feiyun Subdistrict,Rui'an,

Zhejiang Province